As a congregation, we are connected to other organizations and ministries. Below are some useful links for learning more about these connections and also for learning more about Mennonite understandings of Christianity.
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Our denominational affiliation is with Mennonite Church USA.
Our conference affiliation is with Ohio Mennonite Conference
MWC builds relationships among Anabaptist churches from around the world.
We believe in the importance of Mennonite Education. One component of that are the following Mennonite Colleges, Universities, and Seminaries.
- Hesston College
- Bethel College
- Goshen College
- Bluffton University
- Eastern Mennonite University
- Eastern Mennonite Seminary
- Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Mennonite Health Service
MHS helps provide a faith-grounded approach to addressing organizational needs.
MMN’s goal is to engage the church in missions locally and globally.
For church camp, we go to Camp Luz.
MCC does relief and mission work around the globe.
MDS does relief work in areas that have experienced profound disaster.
Adriel cares for children in the foster care system.
Habit works with low income families to provide affordable, quality housing.
CPT arose from a call in 1984 for Christians to devote the same discipline and self-sacrifice to nonviolent peacemaking that armies devote to war.
This is the curriculum that our children’s Sunday school department uses.
Thirdway provides resources about what Mennonites believe.
This is a link to an online bookstore where you can find Mennonite related resources.
Central to our understanding of our faith is the Bible. Use this online Bible to find out more about what we believe.

A monthly magazine that serves as a forum for the voices of Mennonite Church USA.

A ministry of Mennonite Church USA and other churches, Everence helps individuals, organizations and congregations integrate finances with faith through a national team of advisors and representatives.